Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Don't Give Up

Do you ever feel like some days you just want to give up? That there is absolutely nothing going right for you and you just want to throw your hands in the air and say I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE I GIVE UP!! Well earlier today I felt like that. I felt as if nothing I did was good enough or nothing I was going to do would make a difference. Can I tell you that changed within a matter seconds when I said "God I can't do this on my own." Just 8 words were spoken and my whole day began to turn around. It is not his plan for us to feel like we want to just throw in the towel and say I am done. If it was in His plan do you think we would be here today? Did Jesus say Dad I can't do this I am going to walk away. No He did not. He did not give up on us so what gives us the right to give up on Him?
There are many people in this world going through so much pain and turmoil and they do this day in and day out. I often ask myself how can they do it? How can they deal with the fact that their child is in the hospital undergoing chemo therapy or there father is on his death bed. The only way I know how is because they know Him. They have a personal relationship with Him and they know that He is bigger than any illness or threat that comes there way.
I have been praying a lot these past few days for friends of mine who have just been going through it. It, being strained relationships, family members in the hospital, kids acting up, you name it I have probably prayed for it. Why? You may ask yourself this. Why must we go through such turmoil and hurt and anger and the list goes on and on. I can tell you this it is to bring HIM Glory. Because if we never went through it how then can we begin to pray for those who are just starting to go through it?
I can tell you over the past year I have dealt with my Grandfather passing away, my cousin passing away, my aunt passed away just last month. The list goes on and on. So yes some days I feel like saying you know what I am not getting out of this bed because I don't want to deal with "it" today.
Then I am reminded about Jesus. What if He said you know what I don't want to deal with "it" I don't want to heal this person or tell this person about everlasting love. Or the bigger one is I don't feel like going and hanging on a cross and dying for you I just don't feel like doing "it". If He said that then where would we be today? Would we even have a relationship with God? Would we even acknowledge the fact that God is real? Just something to ponder. So if you don't "feel like going through it" remember that Jesus went through "it" for you.